Saturday 1 November 2008

Draft of evaluation - Beth Walsh

1: Our opening sequence uses many of the thriller conventions such as:
- typical characters (a protagonist and antagonist) for example, our protagonist is Ollie and the antagonists are Vincent and Beth.
- the use of typical mise-en-scene found in thriller films i.e. dark lighting, dirty setting, sealed rooms etc. We used dark lighting and an untidy room which consisted with the typical mise-en-scene needed.
- questions being set up in the audiences minds. For example, why Beth and Vince were in that situation in the first place.
- extraordinary events happening in ordinary situations i.e Beth and Vince getting kidnapped and beaten.

These conventions are used to make it obvious to the viewer what genre film they are watching and what kind of action to expect.

2: Our thriller only represents two social groups. Both victims are obviously from the same social group as they are wearing similar styles of clothing and are both in a similar situation within the sequence. The killer is wearing very dark clothing and as his face hidden which makes him mysterious and creepy which shows a different social group. With the exception of the male victim our sequence shows that females are vulnerable and males are the stronger gender.

3: Our thriller sequence would probably be distributed somewhere within the Hollywood industry because it is the type of media product they deal with. Thrillers also take more costume work, special effects and sound effects than most other genres therefore a lot of money would be needed. Hollywood would also be able to provide higher quality actors which are vital to the creation of atmosphere.

4: The audience of our thriller would probably be anywhere between 15 and 30. Its not suitable for under 15's so would have a 15 certificate. This is due to the violence that would be included in the film. Our title sequence shows some of this violence. It would be aimed at both genders because although the female is victimised in our sequence, a typical thriller would have the victim beat the killer in the end and this is what happens.

5: Our audience will be interested in our thriller because we create questions in the title sequence such as "Why is he tied to a chair" and "How did she escape" and "What happened to the killer if she is alive in the future". The audience will also want to know what the relationship between the two victims where due to the picture of us.

6: During the making of the title sequence we learnt how to use final cut and garageband.

We already knew the basics on final cut but we also used an extra called the 'day from night' filter. This tinted all the shots slightly blue and made them more suitable for the genre. Another thing we learnt in final cut was how to increase and decrease the speed of shots to make them fit in better with the sequence. We also used final cut to create the titles on black backgrounds. We then learnt to fade pictures in the second video line into the first.

We used garageband to create the sound track. This was done in a similar way to other tasks we had completed, however the timing of the sound track needed to fit with the shots in final cut so timing was important. The soundtrack also needed to be suitable for the action.

7: The biggest progression we made from the preliminary task and the final product was the quality of all of the work. For example, the storyboard was fully completed, the acting was better due to scripts and planning and the mise-en-scene was more suitable. Due to having more time to film and edit, we had more shots to work with and edit together to create a better sequence to the one we created for the preliminary task. We also used many more technical devices within final cut than we did with the preliminary task, for example the day for night filter and speeding up the shots.



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